The Lifestyle Program

Stop the yo-yo cycle. Start living effortlessly.

(without the stress of counting every calorie, the dread of weekly weigh-ins, or pushing through extreme workouts)

Slipping into your favorite outfit with ease. Feeling confident at the beach. Taking pride in your appearance in every photo. Embracing intimacy without insecurities. Saying goodbye to those baggy clothes for good. All of this is CAN be yours with The Lifestyle Program.

After countless attempts at different diets and meal plans, you might wonder if it's worth trying yet another…

The answer is simple: No, it's not!

Instead, let me introduce a science-based, holistic approach designed to transform your habits around eating, movement, stress management, sleep, and mindset. This method doesn’t just focus on weight loss; it's about creating the lifestyle that brings out the best version of yourself, taking into account all areas of wellness to help you feel your best.

And yes, it means you can finally pull out those clothes from the back of your closet. You know the ones - your favorite clothes in the style you adore! The style that makes you feel like you.

You get:

✔️ Professional, expert coaching tailored to your unique needs
✔️ Practical advice that fits into your hectic life
✔️ Proven strategies that work, even when everything else has failed

“Working with Brittany has been nothing short of life-changing. I’ve lost 40+ pounds so far, but Brittany has supported me in so much more than fat loss. I’m a better mom and wife thanks to her. She’s been my cheerleader and confidant, but also provided tough love and honesty when needed. I was skeptical to invest in myself, but now I can’t believe I ever questioned it. I’ve become the woman I deserve to be for myself and my family and I can’t thank Brittany enough.”

— Client Love from Holly A.

Here’s the truth:

My heart aches every time I hear someone say, “I’m afraid I’ll be trapped like this forever.

We white-knuckle through yet another fad diet.

We buy the cookie-cutter meal plan peddled by the latest trendy influencer. We waste our money on scammy supplements and superfoods (goji berries, anyone?).

At some point, we might actually start to see results…

…until the meeting runs late, our kid comes home sick, and there’s zero time to roast the chicken we prepped that morning.

And when willpower doesn’t push us through, we punish ourselves for failing AGAIN.

Then we start the process all over again on Monday - new trendy diet, new supplements, new “get-lean-quick” scam. We think, “maybe I just need to cut out carbs…” and pick at our bland tilapia and broccoli while our family chows down on all of their favorites.

That’s the problem with diets and meal plans. They’re all-or-nothing… and they fail for almost everyone.

A lot of us feel the guilt and shame of diet failure. We think, “I’ll never be able to do this” and give up entirely on our goals. 

I call this Diet Despair. It impacts our health, our families, our lifestyle, and not in a good way. After years of this downward spiral, we end up further from our goals and feel more hopeless than ever.

But we don’t have to do this.

It’s not just you, and there’s a better way. 

The Lifestyle Program teaches you a new, no-willpower-needed method for eating effortlessly.

There IS a more compassionate, sustainable path forward.

The Lifestyle Program is led by a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach - NBHWC coaches take a client-centered, holistic approach to feeling better, addressing all areas of wellness to guide you out of the cycle of Diet Despair and into a life of health and happiness.

And for your convenience, as a board certified health coach, I'm thrilled to offer the option of using HSA/FSA funds for coaching services. Ask me how this works on our discovery call!

“I felt like I had a lot of knowledge but I was always a person who was constantly yo-yoing. I would make good strides at getting weight off but it would never stick.... I very much had an all-or-nothing mentality and I learned how to navigate the in-between with Brittany.”

— Client Love from Brynn S.

The Secret to Lasting Weight Loss

The dirty secret of the weight loss industry: up to 97% of dieters regain the weight within three years.

Weight loss is hard. Maintaining weight loss is even harder. Long term, restrictive diets require huge amounts of time, willpower, and energy - and take up a ton of mental real estate.

And for most of us it’s just not possible, or even desirable, to make dieting the #1 priority in our life.

But there is hope.

The latest research in nutrition shows that strong habits are the key to success with lasting weight loss.

Diets teach us to only eat certain foods and punish ourselves when we screw up, but habits help you to automate your actions and make choices that align with your long-term goals and the future you that you’re working to become - without feeling deprived.

Habits like:

✔️ Building a satisfying meal - so you don’t reach for a snack an hour later.

✔️ Rediscovering your fullness cues - so you know when to put the plate away.

✔️ Managing stress with mindful moments - so you can address your emotions without turning to food for comfort

✔️ Embracing quality sleep - so you can maintain energy throughout the day and reduce cravings

As you practice habits, making better food choices becomes more and more effortless - and you make more and more progress.

Meet Your Coach

Hey, I’m Brittany.

I’m a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), Precision Nutrition Level 2 Master Health Coach, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and Pre- and Postnatal Fitness Specialist.

I help busy women stop dieting and start eating effortlessly. 

Over the past several years, I’ve provided habit-based fat loss coaching to hundreds of moms and professionals through workshops, courses, eBooks, and 1:1 high-touch coaching.

I talk a lot about sustainable, simple eating habits because I want us to resist restrictive dieting, eat normally, and find joy in our lives - and those are also the goals of the ambitious women that I work with.

What Clients Are Saying

“I went into this program full of shame, but even after my first call with Brittany I felt like the chains fell off and some weight was lifted. Now I look in the mirror or at a photo and I see someone who is beautiful and strong and capable of living this life in a healthy way.”

— Stacey K.

“When you are Brittany’s client - I’ve never seen someone who cares as much as she does about your success. She has just really changed everything about my life and put me on the path toward a healthy lifestyle.”

— Jessie S.

“I know what to do moving forward and I’m able to maintain the skills I’ve learned from her. I still have a social life and I get to eat out. I’m a busy working mom, I’m a boss - I’ve got a lot on my plate and she gave me all the tools to manage my life. Brittany is so knowledgeable and I got more than nutrition support, I also got some life-coaching! It was the best investment I could have given myself.”

— Robyn V.

How I Support You:

1:1 Video Coaching Calls: so you start getting - and keeping - results

This is a personalized, interactive program, not a DIY course.

It’s designed to help you build daily habits and mindset shifts - so that you’ve got a full toolkit to handle any situation life throws your way. Bad day at work? Sick kid? Work dinner? No problem, you’ll know exactly how to stay on track.

We’ll go over your goals, lifestyle, and challenges face-to-face in order to find the changes that work for you.

(This is how we avoid the usual dieting advice that teaches us to only use restriction and willpower, while still making sure you get RESULTS).

Weekly Accountability: so you keep moving forward and making progress

Have a setback? It happens to all of us. We’ll pinpoint the exact problem and create a step-by-step action plan to get you back on track. 

Need a little nudge? I’ll help you set simple, gentle goals that you’ll be able to meet week after week. 

Just want some extra love & support? I’ll show you exactly where your wins are so that you feel encouraged and motivated to keep going.

24/7 Text and Audio Message Access: so that you know exactly what to do in tough times

Your habits need to stick during the holidays, at restaurants, and during parties - to build your healthy lifestyle, you’ve got to navigate menus and get-togethers with ease.

To help you do that, I include 24/7 text message support where I answer all of your questions and give you daily guidance so that you don’t throw in the towel in challenging situations.

{BONUS} Membership Site Access: smart strategies to set you up for success

You’ll get a year of access to my growing online nutrition membership, which includes over 50+ documents, videos, and workshops. You’ll learn:

✔️ How to Take Control of Your Metabolism

✔️ Practical Advice for Simple Morning Meals

✔️ How to Rediscover Slow, Mindful Eating

✔️ Why You Eat When You’re Stressed…and What to Do Instead

✔️ Protein Packed & Satisfying Snack Ideas

✔️ Mindfulness Mantras to Reframe Your Struggles and Refresh Your Resolve

✔️ How to Choose Protein Bars and Powders

{BONUS} Movement Mentorship: never wonder what workout to do again

You’ll get access to my online Movement Mentorship, which includes:

✔️ 30+ Exercise Videos with Tutorials and Progressions

✔️ My Full-Body Workout Formula

✔️ Create-Your-Own Workout Ideas for Busy Crunch Times

✔️ Cardio? Mobility? Strength? How to Choose Based on Your Goals

✔️ Complete Workouts for Home or Gym, from Beginner to Advanced

“I knew I was ready to make meaningful, lasting change in how I approached food and movement. Brittany has taken complex topics and broken them into practical, tangible elements that can be easily implemented. While I was able to achieve a weight loss goal of nearly 20 pounds in 4 months, I gained so much more from my time with Brittany. I learned that I deserve to invest in myself, how to listen to and trust my intuition, and that I am worthy of keeping promises to myself. I feel like I have finally come home to my body.”

— Client Love from Caitlin A.

Ready To Get Started?

It’s time to get unstuck and do something different.

And yes, you CAN get unstuck, even if other approaches have let you down.

You can do this.

With The Lifestyle Program you’ll get the results that matter to you without the shame, stress, and restriction of dieting. It’s time to stop dieting and start eating effortlessly. That’s the only way out of Diet Despair and into feeling like YOU again.


  • Yes! Instead of telling you what to do, I teach you how to think for yourself and make mindful choices. And if you want to include these things in your life (because who doesn’t love pizza??), I’ll give you tricks and tips to include them in a way that keeps you hitting your goals.

  • It can! I usually focus on nutrition for several weeks before adding in workouts, so if you hate working out, don’t sweat it (literally!). Want workouts? No problem! We’ll craft a workout routine that fits into your lifestyle, whether it’s an hour at the gym or 15 minutes in between work calls. You’ll also get access to my Movement Mentorship, with over 30+ videos and routines.

  • During our kickoff call, we’ll look at your current eating habits, find what’s currently working for you, and discover where we can make small but long-lasting tweaks. Then over the next 6 months, I’ll guide you through changes that feel doable and sustainable so that they last forever and become effortless. You will leave every call with a clear idea of what to focus on in order to reach all your goals!

  • Nope! Meal plans don’t work long-term, and strict diets always backfire. I will teach you how to figure out how much to put on your plate, and how to listen to hunger and fullness cues, as well as how to solve all the times of day when you want to eat but you aren’t hungry. No more counting, and no more obsessing over food.

  • This program is for action takers, meaning you are ready to make real commitments to your healthy habits so that you can finally achieve your goals. My coaching program is an investment, not only in yourself but in your family as well, and it's reserved for women who are highly committed. If you are looking for a quick fix or have a deadline for your goals, this program is not right for you. My clients achieve incredible success, but sustainable results take time. If you are not ready to be patient with consistency and trust the process, then this program is not a good fit for you.

  • Access to me throughout the 24 weeks is 1:1 via a messaging app, and I offer unlimited and individualized guidance for support between calls. You can send text or audio messages, pictures of meals and nutrition labels, and any questions and struggles you have as you work through making habit changes. I also check in if I don’t hear from you!

  • You get an initial 60-minute Zoom call, bi-weekly check-in Zoom calls, and unlimited text and audio message access to me (because that’s the level of accountability I believe you need to find success). You also have access to my membership site with videos and written content related to nutrition education, self-care, habits, metabolism, emotional eating, your workouts and how to do them, food prep, eating away from home (without bringing your food with you), plus an ongoing FAQs section with things like how to drink more water, how to navigate your period, how to avoid diet culture, and how to do self-myofascial release.

  • You can’t fail in my program. If I don’t think it’s the right fit after our discovery call, then I’ll refer you to someone who I believe can better help you. Once you become a client, I WILL check in with you if I don’t hear from you - so there’s no such thing as not following through with your commitments. If I haven’t heard from you in 36-48 hours, I’ll reach out for an update. I’m by your side every step of the way, through celebrating the wins and encouraging you during the challenging moments. If this is the level of accountability you would appreciate having, then my program is perfect for you!


28-Day Email Course