First Name
Last Name
What wins can you celebrate this week?
What did you struggle with this week?
Please share any triggers, negative self-talk, or limiting beliefs that you experienced.
A limiting belief is a thought that has a negative impact on your life and goals because it holds you back, and it isn't usually true. Limiting beliefs stop you from moving forward and experiencing growth.
Where do you feel like you need my support the most right now?
What do you want more accountability with, and what has been most helpful?
How are you feeling about movement? How did you prioritize NEAT this week?
Did you follow through with intentions? How was motivation to exercise? Did you feel strong in your workouts? How was recovery? (NEAT = Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise. Leisure walking is the most common type of NEAT movement)
How do you feel about your nutrition this week?
Did you feel mindful with hunger and fullness? Did you eat a balanced plate of vegetables, protein, starch, and fat at most meals?
How are you doing overall with habits?
Did you feel prepared and intentional with choices and actions? How are you doing with things like eating a variety of veggies, including adequate protein with meals and snacks, and scheduling in movement and time for self-care? Are you drinking enough water daily?
How was sleep and stress management?
How many hours of sleep did you get, on average? Do you feel like you have healthy tools for managing stressors?
How was your hunger? Did you have any cravings? How were your energy levels?
Did you feel hungry all day, or when it was time to eat again? Are you able to go 3-4 hours between meals, or do you need support with meal timing and snacks? Was your energy consistent, or up and down?
Is there anything unusual going on with your mood, libido, digestion, or anything else that would be helpful for me to know about?
Which habits have you been focusing on, and what would you like to focus on for the next week or so that will move you closer toward your goals?
What are your intentions for the week ahead? If we have a call this week, what are 2-3 topics or areas you want to address together?
What kind of progress are you seeing? Physical or otherwise?
Physical progress = how clothes are fitting, measurements, scale weight, visual appearance in the mirror. Non-Scale Victories (NSV) = habit and mindset shifts
Anything else you want to tell me, or any questions?