What would you like to be different? How would you like to feel?
What would a successful conversation look like? How will you feel at the end of the 30 minute call? What knowledge will you have that you didn't have before?
Where do you need the most support in this area? What are you unsure about when it comes to food choices and how you're feeding yourself?
Do you currently have an exercise routine? If you have one, what is it? If you would like to be moving more, what kind of exercise do you enjoy or would you like to start doing more of? What is your history with exercise?
Do you wake up feeling rested? What is your bedtime routine? How many hours of sleep do you typically get at night? Is your sleep disrupted by anyone or anything?
On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being very stressed - how stressed are you? What are your stressors? What tools do you currently use to manage your stress? How do they help you, or not?
The mains domains we address in coaching are nutrition, movement, sleep, stress, and mindset. Which area(s) would you like to spend most of our time discussing?